Welcome to Lavender Sewing Patterns. I hope to inspire you to sew feminine and fun accessories using my sewing patterns.
My name is Trine (English pronunciation: Treena) and I am a Norwegian sewing pattern designer with a Fashion Degree from School of Fashion Industry. I am in my late twenties, which will come to an end in February 2021.
Lavender Sewing Patterns is a sewing pattern company that started in February 2018. It started because I had an idea for a purse but I did not find any patterns I could use to make it. A lot of research, a pattern making course and a few weeks later the first sewing pattern, the Butterfly Purse was born. It was so much harder than I thought it would be, and so much work but I absolutely loved it. From there I decided to take a Fashion Design degree and continued to make patterns on the side. I also made the first Norwegian Sewing Journal during my final semester at school.

I have always been creative and I love trying out new hobbies. Of course I love sewing, which is something I have done on and off since I was a little girl. But I also knit and tried crocheting, but I did not really figure it out. I love painting as well, but it has been years since I have done any. I actually have a big box of different sizes canvases, but I probably would need some new paint. I also tried a little bit of woodworking and I made a triangle hanging shelf last year. I have tried soap making and other beauty products. I love taking photos as well. And I am always eager to try something new.

When I was young I made clothes for my barbies. I also made a couple of beautiful Christmas dresses. The one that really sticks in my mind was one I made in maybe 6-7 grade or so. I found this gorgeous red fabric with a glittered pattern and I matched it sequin spagetti straps. I am pretty sure there must have been glitter around the house for months after that. I have asked my dad if he might have some photos for it, because it would be so cool to show it, but he was not sure if we had digital cameras at that time. But if he does find it I will be sure to post it.
I have also done a Personal Project, as a part of the Middle Year Program when I was in grade 9. Here I decided to do a sewing project about wedding dresses. So I looked at wedding dresses throughout the ages, or something like that. and I ended up making two small dresses, including the dress form out of foam! I still have them in storage.
Other that being creative I really like going for walks in nature. I live on the outskirt of a small town in my beautiful home-country Norway with my boyfriend and part time with my dog (who I co-own with my older sister). I work part time at a fabric store, which can get quite expensive and is incredibly fun and its awesome meeting like-minded people.

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