I have so many fabric scraps, and I am always looking for ways to use them. I was thinking it would be fun to create a colour blocked Heather Sweatshirt. It is super simple to make and you can do it which ever way you like to use the fabric you have available.

I started with tracing a copy of the pattern and found three fabrics I wanted to use for this project. I had a bit of petrol, a bit of red and quite a bit of grey. I also found some blue ribbing.
Since I had less of te red and petrol and more of the gret I decided to cut my pattern in 4 equal sized blocks, I gave them the numbers 1-4 for the bodice and 5-8 for the sleeves. I wrote down +1cm seam allowance for all the places I cut the fabric. My grey fabric was L shaped so I could see that I would need to be a bit creative. For the body I taped number 2 and 3 together since I would have enough fabric for that, for the sleeves however I needed them to be two different fabric pieces.

I then started sewing together all the pieces for the front and all the pieces for the back. Then I did the same with the sleeves. Then I followed the pattern instructions, first the pocket, then sewing it together and finally add the ribbing. Since I made a small error while cutting the petrol on the front and I did not have enough fabric to recut it I ended up with a very low neckline, so I added an extra wide neckline ribbing.

I am quite happy with how it turned out. Originally I wanted three equal pieces, but since I did not have enough of the red and petrol I am happy with how it turned out. Maybe I will make a new one another time.
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